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有山人家.野三坡高端优享酒店 更新时间:2013-01-19 热度:

Sunday April 19th, 2009 rainy

Climbing Yesanpo

My mother’s  workmates and I went to Yesanpo yesterday. We got on the bus and two hours later we arrived at Bailixia. We visited it.

We saw a cock-like rock.

I saw many rills and waterfalls. I saw a tiger mouth and a wood road with two thousand and eight hundred  steps. We climbed it. I got to the top first. I got a 万花筒。

Today we went to East Lake Port。I liked it very much. We rowed 木筏。I played an iron chain bridge.

Then we climbed the mountain. I saw many waterfalls and lakes. I got a water gun. An aunt caught two polliwogs. My gun became a polliwog gun. I had a good time.


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